Here are some useful links to information on a range of topics.
How to start and drawing up a plan for your allotment
The National Allotment Society has a list of resources
The RHS has guidance on how to plan your plot
Useful books:
The Essential Allotment Guide: How to get the best out of your plot by John HarrisonThe Allotment Handbook:
The Beginners’ Guide to Growing Crops in a Small Place by Simon Ackeroyd
Crop rotation
The Royal Horticultural Society has detailed advice about how to set up 3 and 4 year crop rotations on their site.
No Dig
Charles Dowding’s website and you tube channel
Stephanie Hafferty’s website and you tube channel
Efficient water use
Garden Organic on how to water well
The National Allotment Society has a lot of information on how to water well and conserve water and a lot of downloadable leaflets about water conservation and collection on allotment sites
Weeds and weed removal
Garden Organic have a comprehensive guidance about weeding.
Making compost
The National Allotment Society guide to home composting
Garden Organic’s guide to home composting
The RHS guide to composting
Search YouTube for videos to show you different methods of composting on your plot
Growing organically
Garden Organic’s Principles of Organic Gardening and How to Start Growing Organically
The RHS Guide to Organic Gardening
Bob Flowerdew’s website “Best of Bob”
The National Allotment Society leaflet What Your Plot Can Do for Wildlife as well as a whole section about Wildlife on Allotments
Garden Organic has advice on creating a pond and what to plant
The Wildlife Gardening Forum (free to join) also has a lot of resources available.
Information about hedgehogs can be found from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society
The Fox Project has a useful Frequently Asked Questions list on their website as well as advice on how and what to feed a fox.