Cultivation Standards and Some Site Rules
Having an allotment offers huge benefits. Like most sites in London, we have a long waiting list of people keen to get their own plot. Those lucky enough to have a plot are expected to put it to good use. So in common with other allotment societies TFAS has some cultivation standards that all plot holders need to meet. We also all want to be good neighbours, to other plot holders and also to people live and work near our site. So we also have some site rules that all plot holders are expected to keep.
Here’s a summary of the most important points:
You must cultivate at least 50% of your plot with fruit, vegetables or herbs over the main growing season.
Please be considerate of your neighbours and keep any uncultivated parts of your plot tidy and relatively free of weeds.
You are responsible for keeping the paths around your plot clear and tidy.
Commercial growing, or growing of illegal plants, are not permitted on site.
Please dispose of all non green waste off site.
Please do not use carpets or artificial grass on your plot, either as weed suppressant or path material.
Water conservation is very important. Sprinklers and other water irrigation systems are not allowed. Please use water carefully and turn hosepipes off if they are not in your hand.
Rose Avenue is an organic site, pesticides and herbicides should not be used. We encourage plot holders on the Farm and Horseshoe sites to do the same.
Please be considerate of our neighbours when lighting bonfires. They should be only lit at permitted times and kept well under control.
Sheds and hard standing should take up no more than 20% of your plot, and there are specific rules on the size of sheds. Please check with the Committee before building if you are unsure.
Planting fruit trees is permitted, but please think about how they will shade your neighbours’ plots. Fruit trees should be planted at least 45cm within the boundary of your plot, be dwarf rootstock only and permitted to grow no higher than 2 metres.
For more detail, and hints and tips on good cultivation and plot holding, see Getting Started.