The Plot Swap Scheme

TFAS has a plot swap scheme where existing members can ask to swap to a larger or smaller plot.

People are eligible to go on the plot swap list if they have been a member for more than a year and if they have not been contacted by the Membership Secretary with concerns about cultivation levels in the last couple of years. Members who want a swap are asked to email the TFAS account with their details and saying what sort of swap they want (ie bigger, smaller, particular position, well-tended, that sort of thing, obviously within reason!).

When a plot becomes vacant, if it meets the criteria of anyone on the plot swap list, before it is offered to someone on the waiting list, it is offered to the person at the top of the plot swap list.

If a plot swap is agreed, the Lettings Officer will draw up a new contract for the new plot. A short handover period (no more than two months) will be allowed for the plot-holder to clear their old plot and harvest crops.

Once the swap is completed the Lettings Officer will let the plot that has been left vacant to someone on the waiting list.